Atlanta , GA

Tag: coaching

Growth and Purpose

LEADERSHIP: What Are Your Biggest Personal Improvements?

#QualityLeadership #FreeThinking #EOT #PCC #EffectiveLeadership #CARE #GiveADamn Everyone can find something about themselves to improve, even people in leadership positions. We know a few things about people: No one is perfect; all of us are human, thus fallible. Each of us has opportunities for personal growth. All of us are capable of self-integrity and personal…
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LEADERSHIP: How Do You Ensure Your Words and Actions Align?

#QualityLeadership #FreeThinking #EOT #PCC #EffectiveLeadership #CARE #GiveADamn Seeing is believing. You knowing what I’m talking about: there’s something rich about our actions matching our words. Leaders can talk all day long. However, what leaders say mean more when their actions and words are congruent. For me as an effective [quality] leader, I do the following…
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LEADERSHIP: Do You Care / Give a damn?

#QualityLeadership #FreeThinking #EOT #PCC #EffectiveLeadership #CARE #GiveADamn Employee concerns you’ve probably heard before: “We don’t have the proper tools to proficiently do our jobs.” “Why is the pay so drastically different for everyone on our team when all of us do the same job and have similar work experience and education?” “What’s up with the…
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