Atlanta , GA

Either You Support Someone or You Don’t

Growth and Purpose

Either You Support Someone or You Don’t

Either you support someone or you don’t. When you genuinely support others, good things WILL happen for you.
I have found that most people who actively strive to make their dreams a reality genuinely support and uplift others. Whether it is attending events, introducing people to the right people, buying someone’s products, or plugging/tagging people on social media, they support each other because they choose to, and they know that good things will happen for them. Trust me it works; I know from personal experience. I ingratiated myself in the arena of doers last fall and it has been absolutely wonderful, very refreshing. These doers consistently and diligently focus on their craft, not miniscule things.

Have you noticed that most people who don’t support others are in the same place they were 10, 15, 20 years ago, or longer still saying what they’re going to do? These same people will tell you that they’re going to support you but never do. So don’t focus on them; keep doing you and associate with other doers, those living their dreams, support and uplift them. This will expose you to people that you probably never would have met otherwise. Again, I am speaking from personal experience.

If you have not started living your dream, associate with other doers and you will. If you have not met people who truly support you, associate with other doers, support, and uplift them and you will.

originally posted: January 14, 2014


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