Atlanta , GA

Category: Agile

Growth and Purpose

Scrum Master: A Job Title?

While the role of Scrum Master is a tough job — driving fast quality delivery through servant leadership, changing behavior, removing impediments, teaching Scrum, enabling continuous improvement, and more — Scrum Master is not a job title. Here are a few reasons why I don’t think Scrum Master is an accurate job title: Scrum Master…
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Agile Facts

#EOT #ECOP #Agile #YouAreAgile #YouPracticeAgility Being Agile is more about soft skills than hard skills and striving to excel in agility. Here are some facts about AGILE: 1. Agile is a philosophy. – Agile is NOT a methodology. Nor is Agile what you do. 2. Being Agile is who you are. It’s an adjective, not…
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Executive Community of Practice: Organizations, Why be Agile’ish? Just B.E.E. Agile!

Executive Community of Practice is a series of articles designed to inspire knowledge sharing and built-in solutions. How are you doing your part for your organization to mature in agility? As an organization, what reason would you settle for being Agile’ish when everyone can do their part to Believe, Embrace, and Excel in the same…
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